Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM)

Let's delve into the Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM) specialization offered within the PGDM program at TIAS-CDL in detail, and examine how it aligns with the objectives of NEP 2020 and global contemporary education standards:

Curriculum Focus

The PGDHRM specialization is designed to equip students with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in human resource management. The curriculum covers various aspects of HRM, including talent acquisition, performance management, employee relations, organizational development, HR analytics, and strategic HRM. Students learn about theorettical frameworks, best practices, and emerging trends in HRM to effectively manage human capital in organizations. The program emphasizes hands- on learning through case studies, role-plays, simulations, and industry projects to ensure practical application of concepts.

Alignment with NEP 2020

Alignment with NEP 2020

NEP 2020 emphasizes the holistic development of students, including social-emotional learning and ethical values. The PGDHRM specialization aligns with this objective by preparing students to lead and manage diverse teams, foster employee well-being, and uphold ethical principles in HR practices. Students learn about ethical decision-making, diversity and inclusion, and employee empowerment, ensuring they are equipped to create inclusive and supportive work environments.

Promotion of Vocational Education

NEP 2020 advocates for promoting vocational education and skill development to meet industry demands. The PGDHRM specialization aligns with this objective by providing students with practical skills and knowledge needed to excel in various HR roles. Students learn about recruitment strategies, training and development programs, performance appraisal systems, and HRM software applications, enabling them to make valuable contributions to organizations upon graduation.

Integration of Technology

The Indian government's education plan (NEP 2020) wants schools to use more technology to help students learn better. This special HR program (PGDHRM) does exactly that! You'll learn how to use computers and special programs to manage people at a company, like keeping track of employees, figuring out how many people they'll need in the future, and using data to make better HR decisions. This way, you'll be prepared for the modern workplace where technology is playing a bigger role in HR.

Alignment with Global Contemporary Education Standards

Global Perspective

The PGDHRM specialization offers insights into global HRM practices, international HRM frameworks, and cross-cultural management. Students explore case studies and examples from multinational companies, gaining exposure to diverse HR strategies and cultural dynamics. The program prepares students to work in globalized environments and manage HR challenges across different countries and regions.

Talent Development and Retention

The PGDHRM specialization focuses on talent acquisition, development, and retention strategies to attract and retain top talent in organizations. Students learn about employee engagement, career development, succession planning, and employer branding initiatives. The program emphasizes the importance of creating a conducive work culture and employee value proposition to attract, motivate, and retain skilled employees, aligning with global best practices in talent management.

Ethical Leadership

The PGDHRM specialization emphasizes ethical leadership and HRM practices, promoting fairness, transparency, and integrity in HR decision-making. Students learn about ethical dilemmas in HRM, labor laws and regulations, and corporate governance principles. The program instills ethical values and professional conduct among students, ensuring they uphold high standards of integrity and social responsibility in HRM roles.
Overall, the Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDHRM) specialization at TIAS-CDL prepares students to excel in HRM roles, drive organizational success, and contribute to employee well-being and organizational effectiveness. By aligning with the objectives of NEP 2020 and global contemporary education standards, the program ensures that graduates are well-prepared to meet the evolving demands of the HR profession and make meaningful contributions to the business world.